Geopathic Stress

geopathic stress

unrequired energy

Stress - it's a word that many people today have become very familiar with.


Stress is thought to be a major factor in ill-health in today's society. People are able to recognise many areas in their life where they feel stress, but most are not aware of the fact that their ill health issues could be resulting from Geopathic stress.


Seonaid is often the 'last stop' for people searching for answers to a particular troubling situation or problem which has not been resolved through ‘usual’ treatments. Whether the problem may be sleep issues (unable to sleep soundly, waking up tired or children who just won't 'settle'), or recurring health and wellbeing issues. Geopathic stress may be the root cause.


Seonaid is able to detect stress within a home or building and can help rectify the problem, whether through a site visit or using a map or plan.

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